It's been just a few short months since we've been in Lima, but we've already seen God move in some very interesting ways.
One example was when my parents recently came to visit us here in February.
My mom and I were in an Uber on our way to a museum, when our cab driver commented that my name was in the Bible. This sounded like an open door to a spiritual conversation, so I began to talk with him more about his faith.
He began asking questions such as "What does the Bible say happens when we die?" or "Do we have to give an account to God?" and "What is the difference between Catholicism and Christianity?".
Before we reached the museum, he expressed the desire to receive Christ as Lord and said a prayer, expressing faith in Christ.
Again, just this past week, I met a fellow believer in a local church. We invited him over to dinner and learned that he had an urgent prayer need. He had been sharing a room with his cousin. They split the cost, but his cousin recently left. Without a new roommate, he would be forced to move back home, an hour from work and church.
We began lifting this up in prayer. I sent a message to my fellow team members in Lima to find out if they knew of anyone looking for a roommate.
But God provided something even better!
One of our national partners leaves his home 6 months out of the year to serve in another community. Every year he needs someone to stay in his house to keep watch over things. However, he had been urgently praying for someone who could watch his home.
Before we knew it, God had provided my friend not with a roommate, but with a rent-free home to live in for next six months. Now he can save money and continue looking for a roommate.

José is a recent friend we made along with Ada Belén. God provided José with a place to live for the next 6 months rent free!
One last story.
Back in 2018, a random guy from the United Kingdom messaged me with a question he had about an online course we were both participating in. Somehow, the topic of Christianity came up and I sent him a Bible.
Several years passed without hearing from one another.
However, recently, he reached out to me wanting to know more about giving his life to Jesus. We began meeting online once a week and we're going through Bible stories together.
Who knew a random act of sending him a Bible in 2018 would be the reason he contacted me in 2024 to hear the gospel?
God did!
All of this is to say, we are excited about the ways God is working and we're glad you are here to witness what God is doing.
Planning Digital Outreach
We've also been busy these past few months planning for an upcoming digital outreach project.
Specifically, we are hoping to plant a Church in one of the least unchurched areas in Lima where a large number of young professionals live and work. These people live busy lives, but like most of us, they spend lots of time on their phones using social media.
Our plan will involved running digital ads on platforms such as Meta and Instagram, showcasing examples of people whose lives have been transformed by the gospel. They'll have an opportunity to sign up for a simply 7-day study with the hopes of leading them to an in person group.
We're currently in the process of designing a website and securing assistance from our national partners.
This is a very important project because we're attempting to test the theory that Digital Engagement can be used as a catalyst for planting a church. Many teams are already using Digital Engagement for evangelism. However, it can be difficult to chart a path that leads to a healthy local church.
We are counting on your prayers as we continue this effort. Please pray for wisdom as we develop strategies and work with our national partners.
Additionally, we need to raise funds to support our ongoing digital advertising efforts. If God moves in your heart to provide a gift, you can do so by giving to the Digital Engagement project on our team strategy site.
Abiding and Bearing Fruit
An important lesson that God has been teaching us lately is the joy of abiding in Christ.
If you remember the story of Martha and Mary, you'll recall that Martha was very concerned with cleaning the house, preparing the food, and marking off all of her 'to-dos', while Mary was simply content to sit at the feet of Jesus and enjoy His presence.
So often I find myself getting distracted by the daily to-do list and I neglect to simply abide in the presence of God.
But that is no way to live and you definitely can't bear fruit if you aren't sitting at the feet of Jesus on a regular basis and soaking up the radiance of His presence.
So please pray for us as we serve God. Pray that we wouldn't be distracted by "good things" and miss out on the one thing that is necessary.
And we also encourage you to abide in the Lord as well.
Fun In The Lima Sun
Having recently arrived in Lima, we've been getting to know this beautiful city. Our family has visited and we had the opportunity to do fun activities together. I'll attach some photos below of some of our recent adventures.

The kids received their resident visas.

Elizabeth is buried in the sand at the park near our house.

A beautiful sunset in Lima

Joshua has been running powerpoint for our team meetings

Joshua went hiking with Jared and other team members

Jared was exhausted but enjoying being in nature with Joshua

The scenery was beautiful during the hike

Caleb lost his first tooth recently

The kids attended VBS at a local church.

Amy has been making friends with a local homeschool group

Jared's parents came to visit in February

We took a bus tour of Lima with Jared's parents

We explored ancient ruins in Lima

Joshua, Jared and Jared's dad went paragliding

Jared on his paragliding trip

Prayer Requests
Finally, we covet your prayers and ask that you would continue lifting up the following things:
- Pray for the Digital Engagement project we are planning.
- Pray for the weekly bible stories that Jared is sharing with his friend who lives in the UK.
- Pray that God will lead us to a church planter we can partner with to help.
- Pray that the kids will develop their own faith through our experience here.
Got questions about our work here or just want to leave a note? Leave a comment below and we'll be happy to reply.
I am so thrilled to see your pictures. God is truly blessing all of you as you reach others for Him.
Love to all,
Doris & Gale Bandy
Central Church, Sanford, FL
Hey Doris and Gale! It’s great to hear from you guys. We miss seeing you guys at church!